.Day 102 - 5/9/07 - 49kms Downstream of Loxton Steve's Report:We went to Loxton Primary School and did the usual presentation. Again it was well received and we were pleased to go. When we were loading the kayak some kids went past and wanted to shake hands which we did. Hey, to the guy who said he wasn't going to wash his hand, you shook the one that I haven't washed since Brisbane hee hee, ha ha. Good questions and good kids. So, not an early start but 49.1km was knocked over by the end of the day. Tomorrow is well set out. I have to paddle 37km to where we leave the trailer and then head to Brissie for the crew change and return Tuesday next week. So, that's all from me until Waikere next week. By the way, I keep getting compliments about the web site. Don't compliment me, Geoff at MC2 does it all. If you ever need a site he is very good value because he tells it like it is and helps you get what you want for your site. He has helped me before in business and he can match it with the best in the world. He does all this for us for nuthin' but for you his prices are very reasonable anyway.